
Specialty Courses

Enriched Air Diver Enriched Air, also known as “nitrox”, is a form of breathing gas that allows divers to e... Find Out More

Peak Performance Buoyancy Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You've seen them underwater. Th... Find Out More

Underwater Photographer This specialty course helps you quickly achieve great photo and video results. This course also coun... Find Out More

Equipment Specialist Don’t miss a dive due to a broken fin strap or wetsuit tear. Learn how to fix minor gear issue... Find Out More

Night Diver Can Open Water Divers night dive? Yes, but proper training will make your first night dive more enjo... Find Out More

Wreck Diver Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the result of an accident, w... Find Out More

Search and Recovery Diver It happens: People accidentally drop things from docks, off boats or even while scuba diving. If you... Find Out More

Deep Diver The lure of the deep. Something is exciting and mysterious about exploring deeper dive sites while s... Find Out More

PADI Boat Diver Much of the world's best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you've never made ... Find Out More

Dive Against Debris Do you want to make a difference on every dive but are unsure where to begin? Gain the knowledge and... Find Out More

Emergency Oxygen Provider Knowing how and when to administer emergency oxygen is a valuable skill to have in a dive emergency.... Find Out More

Dry Suit Diver Want to stay warm? Want to extend your scuba diving season? Then dive dry. A dry suit seals you off ... Find Out More

Full Face Mask Diver Working divers, such as public safety divers, use full face masks because they protect the eyes and ... Find Out More

Drift Diver Diving in a current can feel like flying underwater. In the PADI® Drift Diver course, you’... Find Out More

Public Safety Diver Learn the fundamental skills required to work as a public safety diver or assist local authorities. ... Find Out More

PADI Altitude Diver Diving in altitudes higher than 300 metres/1000 feet above sea level is altitude diving. Discover a ... Find Out More

Dive Theory PADI Dive Theory eLearning contains comprehensive explanations and examples to help you learn about ... Find Out More

Skin Diver Skin diving is snorkeling while making breath-hold dives to observe aquatic life, up close and perso... Find Out More

Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (D... Many divers wouldn't think of diving without carrying a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB, and i... Find Out More

Self-Reliant Diver Although diving with a buddy is the norm, there are reasons for an experienced diver to develop self... Find Out More

Coral Reef Conservation Raising awareness of the crisis facing coral reefs and accelerating support for their protection and... Find Out More

PADI AWARE Specialty Make a difference for yourself and others by learning and applying tips to save the ocean. Cost i... Find Out More

PADI AWARE Shark Sharks are an essential part of a healthy ocean. This course explores why they are vulnerable, the i... Find Out More

Adventure Diver "Explore the depths of the ocean with the PADI Adventure Diver certification! This exciting cou... Find Out More

Fish Identification Learn what fish you are diving around. Cost is for eLearning only. Other fees may apply. Contact ... Find Out More

Underwater Navigator Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you're goin... Find Out More

Cavern Diver Caverns exist in many areas where scuba divers venture - from freshwater springs to volcanic island ... Find Out More

Altitude Diver Imagine descending below the surface of a clear mountain lake to explore a well-preserved wreck. Int... Find Out More
